Dr. Sue, BSc, DMD


Dr. Sue received her Bachelor of Science degree in Combined Honours Biochemistry and Chemistry, and subsequently, her Doctorate of Dental Medicine from the University of British Columbia. 


After serving a few years in Alberta, Dr. Sue is glad to be back to the beautiful west coast to be with her family. She believes that communication is the key to patient-centered care. It is her goal to build long term relationships with her patients by listening to their concerns, addressing their needs and providing quality care. Dr. Sue prides herself in her gentle yet thorough approach to dentistry, because she understands that dental visits can be really stressful for many people. It is her commitment to stay up to date with her dental knowledge by participating in various continuing education classes and study clubs. 


In her free time, she loves painting. She helped to design the logo for her parents’ clinic, which encompasses her parents’ names and their Chinese heritage and the logo for Bliss Dental. Her other interests include cooking, singing and relaxing with her three ragdoll cats, Mocha,Coco and Link. 


Dr. Sue is an active member of :

  • College of Dental Surgeon of BC
  • BC Dental Association
  • Canadian Dental Association
  • Vancouver and District Dental Society









  • 卑詩省牙醫協會
  • 卑詩省牙科協會
  • 加拿大皇家牙醫協會
  • 大溫牙科協會

Dr. Lee, BSc, DMD


Dr. Lee attended the University of British Columbia obtained Doctor of Dental Medicine degree (DMD) after receiving his Bachelor of Science degree with Distinction. Dr. Lee enjoys providing quality care to his patients. He believes good communication is the key to great dentistry, and always takes the time to ensure his patients understand every aspect of their dental care. He strives to create a relaxing dental experience and is looking forward to build strong relationships with his patients.


After spending years in rural Alberta providing care to underserved communities, Dr. Lee is happy to return to the BC Lower mainland where he will continue to serve the local community. Outside of work, Dr. Lee enjoys spending time outdoors in the summer with his family and snowboarding in the winter.


Dr. Lee is an active member of :

  • College of Dental Surgeon of BC
  • BC Dental Association
  • Canadian Dental Association
  • Vancouver and District Dental Society
  • Orthodontic Study Club
  • Perio and Implant Study Club 


Dr. Lee is fluent in English, Cantonese, English and Japanese.


以優異的成績畢業於UBC 牙醫學院。畢業後,他自願支援牙醫大量欠缺的阿爾伯塔邊遠地區並積累了大量的經驗。李醫師刻苦鑽研,力爭完美.他以近乎嚴苛的標準要求自己的治療結果。他堅信口腔健康意識極為重要的。所以他很樂於回答病人的疑問並幫助他們理解自己的口腔問題。營造輕鬆的治療體驗是李醫生的堅持。他很期待可以和他的病人建立長期友好的醫患關係。李醫生很高興在離開BC兩年後又再一次回到大溫地區。閒暇時間,李醫生喜歡和他的家人一起享受戶外和滑雪。



  • 卑詩省牙醫協會
  • 卑詩省牙科協會
  • 加拿大皇家牙醫協會
  • 大溫牙科協會
  • 卑詩省牙科矯正學術研討會
  • 卑詩省牙周植牙學術研討會


李醫生能以流利廣東話, 普通話, 英語與病人交流。